How To Get The Travel Medallion
This page offers a guide on how to retrieve the Travel Medallion during the Ex Teleportation Rumors! DLC quest, which is included in The Master Trials DLC.
Where to Get the Travel Medallion
To begin, you'll need to head over to South Akkala Stable. Then, head inside, and find the book on the table at the back of the room. The book tells you that the Travel Medallion, which allows you to teleport, is found beneath the labyrinth in northeast Akkala. The labyrinth in question is Lomei Labyrinth, where you find Tu Ka'loh Shrine.

Find the book in South Akkala Stable!
If you haven't yet been to the labyrinth, you'll need to complete the Trial of the Labyrinth, in which you're required to find your way through the maze and get to the shrine.
The entrance to the bottom of the shrine where you'll find the Travel Medallion is also right next to Tu Ka'loh Shrine, so you can either fast travel there or complete the shrine quest beforehand, grab the shrine and then head down to get the Travel Medallion.

Right next to the shrine in the Labyrinth you'll find a hole to an area beneath the maze.
In front of Tu Ka'loh Shrine, you'll find a square hole with a gust of wind going up it. Drop down into it and make sure to last minute equip your paraglider so you don't take fall damage.
In this area below the labyrinth, you'll find a bunch of Guardian enemies. There are two ways you could go about this area.
You could stock up on ancient arrows, ancient weapons and equip armor with Guardian resist, then charge in and take out the guardian enemies. This way you'll get a bunch of ancient parts that are useful for making more ancient armor and weapons.
If you're just looking to grab the Travel Medallion quickly then you might wanna just run for it! It is possible to do, but be aware that you're about to get shot at by like 5 different guardian lasers so be prepared to dodge! Also, having Mipha's Grace is useful for if you get caught out!
So, the first place to head to in this underground area is straight ahead, where you'll find a regular chest containing a Diamond Circlet with Guardian Resist Up. As soon as you open the chest and are in the vicinity of the Guardians, you'll alert them to your presence and they'll wake up.

(1 of 2) There's a bunch of Guardians ready to shoot lasers at you
There's a bunch of Guardians ready to shoot lasers at you (left), but just run to the back wall to grab the Medallion! (right)
The Ex Treasure chest containing the Travel Medallion is near the back wall, behind the treasure chest you just looted. You can fairly easily run over and dodge the laser attacks and loot the chest, which will automatically complete the quest. From there you can instantly fast travel to a safe location to try out your new Travel Medallion!
How to Use the Travel Medallion
Your Travel Medallion is found in the key items section of your inventory. When you select it, you'll get the option to register the current location as a travel gate, which means that it'll create a portal on the ground next to you. You can only have one travel gate open at any given time, but basically, if you find somewhere relatively isolated that you want to visit again later, then you can place a travel gate down and it's an easy way to mark the map and travel back to it!

(1 of 3) You'll find the travel medallion in your key items inventory.
How To Get The Travel Medallion
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